I was going to give this review 2 stars but after thinking about why it sucked so much it probably isn't the parks fault so much.
I went last year and I had the BEST time. I'd of given it 5 stars. This year I went at the same time as the previous year and it seemed even less crowded so I was super excited because the lines moved really fast leading to such a great experience last time. Anyway, it was the complete opposite this time. They dispatched all of the rides SO slow that the wait for a line half as long as before now took four times as long. I'm sure the reason for this is the recent death of the unsupervised kid who couldn't swim and wasnt wearing a life jacket. Ruined it for everyone. There were also a few other changes such as the inner tubes that used to have a mesh part to sit on in the wave pool being no longer there, safety reasons too I'm sure.
I dont think I'll be going back ever again. I cant emphasize enough how SLOW they are at dispatching. youd be standing in a line which leads to 4 different rides and in a 3 minute span you'd only see one go down. Even if it was a separate ride it was apparently only one ride dispatched at a time.