| - I was severely injured at this gym while under the supervision and guidance of one of their 'certified instructors'. My body went into shock as I collapsed into a cold sweat and struggled to maintain consciousness. The manager on duty at the time was named Mark. After being assisted into the men's locker room, they brought in the chiropractor who has a practice (a very busy practice) located inside of this gym. They weren't sure if an ambulance should be called, but it was clear I was coming and going in and out of shock. The chiropractor took some x-rays and noted a sublimated disc at l2-l3 of my spine.
The next few days at my home were some of the most painful days I have ever experienced. I could not tie my shoes without practically breaking down into tears. After numerous attempts bending until the pain was too much, I'd take a breath, and try again, over and over and over again until I could endure the pain long enough and tie the shoe fast enough. Then I could repeat this process until I got my other shoe tied. Sleeping was quite difficult trying to find a comfortable position that wasn't sending lightning bolts of pain up my spine.
I spent about $2500 on the chiropractor and followed all of his instructions to finally get some relief about 2 weeks later. Not complete relief, but relief enough that shoe tying was no longer a 20 minute battle every morning.
Then I discovered Fitness Works was continuing to bill me $250 every two weeks for more personal training. During this time, no one at Fitness Works did a welfare check on me, including the manager 'Mark' who witnessed this injury when it occurred. They said I had to come back to the gym to fill out a membership freeze request.
I hobbled in as best I could, still in considerable pain and not having full movement only to have the unpleasant experience of dealing with this 'Mark' person once again. His attitude was dismissive and though no one had explained or volunteered to fill out the medical freeze form for me prior to this point, under severe duress I signed the paperwork so the billing would stop and after more rude and unnecessary unpleasantness from Mark, I was glad this automated billing system would stop and that I would be getting a refund for what was taken.
I've since learned a standard medical freeze is just 90 days, but Mark decided this first medical freeze should only be for 60 days. While I'm dumping $2500 into the chiropractor at the gym I suddenly notice another charge for personal training for $250 appear on my credit card without any notice or phone call from the staff asking me if I'm ready to come back.
At this point I started dealing with Chris, another manager at the gym. Chris seemed genuinely concerned and wanted to do the right thing. He told me medical freezes are a standard 90 days and ask me why my first one was only for 60 days. I told him he'd have to ask Mark that.
Now repeat this process 5 more times over the course of the next 15 months, with the final putting me up against this Mark character again.
Mark likes to treat people as if they work for him. He likes to ask questions to appear in control. But when you ask Mark questions, he won't answer them. He realizes the one asking the questions is the one on offense, and answering questions puts him on defense. Remember this psychology any time you face the unfortunate task of dealing with Mark. Don't let his intimidation or size distract you or cause you to lose your focus. If necessary, leave and can come back later and talk with someone else. I'd also recommend you do what I did and use your phone to voice record the entire conversation (he doesn't have to know - Arizona is a one-party state.) These recordings can be use as legal submissions of evidence should you need to go to court or escalate your complaint to the president or vice-president of the company. Talking to Mark reminded me of being 14 years old again and dealing with the high school bully. He lacks the most basic of customer service skills and how he became and has stayed a manager at this Fitness Works location is a puzzle. The journalist inside of me suspects Nepotism, but didn't think it would be a very compelling story for my publisher either way, so I didn't pursue those answers.
After more than a year of this nonsense, they tried once more to bill me for training that I am still not cleared by my doctor to do, but the charge did not go through (imagine why). I received a phone call from the billing company instructing me to go to my local Fitness Works with my current billing info. This was my last interaction with Mark. Mark ultimately gave me what I requested, but first he had be sure he did his best to harass me and push all of my buttons. When he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted, he gave up and gave me what I asked for.
I was told by both Mark and Chris what I wanted couldn't be done and by the end of the day, they both got each un-doable task completed