Many years ago I took a part time job at lush in the UK, for the discount as I loved the products. I feel I have some interesting insights to add to this review.
So the store at Market Mall is typical of most, lots of products in a small store and yes the smell of Lush is pretty overwhelming. I agree with some reviewers that some of the products can dry out your skin...that mostly applies to the bath bombs that use a large amount of citric acid to make the bombs fizz. If you are going to buy one, buy one that emphasizes moisture. A good one is called butterball with chunks of shea butter in it.
The other option is to go for a bath melt....pure oil and fragrance.
Whenever I have been in this location I have always been greeted by happy young staff who are eager to demonstrate the products, and in the spirit of the company culture are not the hard sell type. Although not on commission one thing that all Lush stores have world wide is a counter on the door frame ( a beam of light) that registers how many people come in during the day. At the end of the day the staff need to calculate the amount of people that come in versus the sales, *( the conversion rate). So it is important that every customer is converted into a sale. sheesh.
There are many good products to be had favourites Jungle solid conditioner, Veganese conditioner, figs and leaves soap and angels on bare skin face scrub. Unlike in the UK the face masks here are prepacked, overseas they were weighed out as much or as little as you like.
The products truly are made by hand, and was a green company long before it was trendy.
Lush can be hit and miss product wise, but you will likely find something there that you like.