Sweet Basil offers a sweet cooking class! It started off a little slow but it could be because I like to cook and didn't need an entry-level lesson on how to read a recipe. Once we got through that, it started to jive! There was a group of around 15 of us, so they created a menu with several items and split us up into groups. Throughout the evening, we got to slice, dice and serve up different dishes for the rest of the group to try and while we cooked, we sipped on the wine we brought (it is BYOB after all). There were some kinks in the class, but all-in-all I enjoyed myself and had a good time. I would offer one piece of advice for you if you decide to take the class. Have a snack before! The class started at 7:00 but after the instructions and we cooked the different dishes, we didn't end up eating until closer to 9.
Sweet Basil has a wide selection of cooking items for sale as well. They have everything from Cuisinart to fun novelty gifts for a cat-lover (meow!), dog lover, kitchen lover or simply the new cook!