| - I haven't been here for a while but I have been exploring what Mesa has to offer, and it is pretty much similar stuff. First most of these places are very basic meals, old fashion breakfast because most of their customers are elderly. They have good value, because the food is half decent but nothing spectacular. I have tried several items from their menus such as : chicken fried steak, biscuits and gravy, waffle, and eggs dishes. I think the best thing actually is their cinnamon roll. It is ginormous but it is pretty moist for such a huge thing, and the frosting is not bad. It is priced wrong by the way on their web site just so you won't be surprise. All in all, I liked their food, but nothing to go out of your way for but a good value plus these guys open at 5:00 AM which is really different for Arizona. These people are midwest people so they are use to it, because I am also an illini, so I appreciate that.