I came here on a Monday and my heart stood still
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron
Somebody told me that the Scorpion Sauce kills
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron
Yeah. I've had beers from this brewery before - once they had their girls pushing caps and shades and free samples over at Fibber McGee's and I found that I really liked their Mandarin Wheat. So this is what I started out with one Monday evening. I was there with a friend who told me their Scorpion Sauce wings were a definite "contendah." I've been meaning to come here ever since I had the wings at Teakwoods. He was curious if the wings at Uncle Bear's could compare. Not that he was gonna take the challenge himself - but he knew I would. LOL. So the moment I ordered the wings grilled and re-tossed with the Scorpion Sauce the waitress got a serious look and asked if I was sure I was sure. Adding, of course, there are no returns/refunds if I can't handle it. Bah. Bring it on I said. Do I need to sign a waiver or something? She smiled and said it wouldn't be a bad idea. *I* was starting maybe this might turn out to be a bad idea. Another waitress came over and asked if I wanted gloves for the wings. I must have rolled my eyes and maybe gave her a look like "are you for real?" Because she immediately told me she was TOTALLY SERIOUS. So I agreed. Maybe that would avoid a tragedy when I accidentally rubbed my eyes later on that night. So when they brought the wings they also had what looked like surgical gloves in another tray. That kinda gave me a little chill like maybe I shoulda also called for a reverend and a hearse as well. So I dug into that first wing. I felt an immediate burn. Oh crap - here it goes but I asked for it. Definite habanero flavor and habanero burn. Instant and ongoing but not enough for me to put the chicken wing down. I got through four wings before I finally needed a swig of Mandarin Wheat in a tall glass. The burn was still ongoing but I made it through most of the wings before I finished my first glass of beer. Not long after I finished the rest of the wings and then finished my garlic parmesan fries I ordered on the side. It was quite a burning sensation in my mouth I admit - that Scorpion Sauce is no slouch. Heck maybe they should be displaying the Scorpion Sauce Material Safety Data Sheet to all challengers. Our waitress told us she was washing her hands really well after grabbing my empty beer glass each time. This is because she witnessed some guy try the Scorpion Sauce wings WITHOUT the gloves once and when he had to go to the men's restroom - well let's just say when he came back he was crying. Oops. I didn't ask for any more details but I was glad I wore the gloves. So how does the Scorpion Sauce rate against my standard for hottest wings (Teakwoods)? HOT. VERY VERY VERY HOT. But not AS hot as Teakwood's. I say this because I had to have TWO swigs of beer after every individual wings at Teakwood's and I finished four tall glasses of beer by the time I was done with all of them. ANd STILL felt the burn in my mouth. So Teakwood's still reigns as the king of hot wings but this is definitely next in line. Of course - judging by my standards. Your mileage may vary. Lotsa parking - it's in a big mall with lots of other stores. Monday night wasn't too crowded but I'm sure the place gets much more packed towards the weekend.