Started out with Southland Home care.. No problems until my husband signed up for Pallative care with a Nurse Practitioner ny the name of Heather who came to our home 3 weeks ago.. and told us of the Pallative care they have also.. however this NP Heather told us at Anytime call me! Anytime! In a 3 weeks time period i called her approximately 8 times!! Never got a call but once on a. Voicemail.. She misrepresented herself and the company also by saying we have doctors or I can come out!
Anytime!! Well it Never Happened.. even when my 55 yr old husband could Not breathe either in 2 sitiations! Promises. NOT!!!!
I really like the Southland home care.. just Not the "Pallative" side of it.. especially Heather NP!!! Never Ever Again!!! She destroyed it for us!!!