While I was planning a week long business trip to Vegas, I tried to find healthy vegetarian restaurants in advance and came across this restaurant. The high prices didn't bother me because my company was paying for it, but it was the service that ruined it for me. For starters, there were 2 or 3 ladies there who barely spoke english and it took them a while to come to the register to greet me. So I order 1 enchilada $8.80) and a 2 oz shot of wheat grass (menu said $1.80 for 1 oz and $3 for 2 oz). I went to pay and the lady told me to eat and pay later in case I want to buy something else. So I eat my enchilada, drink my wheatgrass, and go up to pay and it was $16 and some change! I asked why it was so much (not that I REALLY cared, haha) and she said $8.80 for the enchilada and $6 for 2 oz of wheatgrass. Apparently they have "updated" prices on the wall in an inconspicuous area and the prices on the menu are no longer valid. It made no reference to the updated prices on the menu and the sign with the wheatgrass price didn't make reference to it being an "updated" price. After a couple of minutes back and forth and the cashier telling me that her owner wasn't there and that I needed to pay $6 for the wheatgrass. It ended with me paying her $3 and giving her my phone number so the owner can call me if he dares to try to dispute this. This started out as a place where I planned on eating lunch every day during this trip, and now it's a place that I have no plan on ever revisiting.
Side note: I went to get a smoothie at Tropical Smoothie Cafe after I left (because I didn't want to pay (have my company pay) the $8 they were asking for a smoothie, and they had 2 oz of wheatgrass for $2.75.