Electricity. The Constitution. The internet. And now Bahama Bucks. Theses people take ice, a tasteless waste of a substance, and have somehow created a flavor party of almost illegal proportions.
My first trip in I thought,"Hmmmm. I like the Bahamas, why not?!" Once I walked in, I had a mild stroke trying to take in all of the flavor combinations. It was too much. As I turned to leave there was a little kid eating his shaved ice and then I thought,"If this little twerp can take the pressure, so can I!" So I ordered a combo of lime and something else that came from a bleeding wild cat.
One bite and I was hooked. After eating too quickly, I thought I was having another stroke, but it was just a crippling brain freeze. They really should put a warning sign on the cup about those. Seriously, how can eating shaved ice too quickly result in blinding pain that can only be compared to passing a kidney stone?! My 13 year old son told me to grab my neck to help relieve the brain freeze and guess what? It worked a little bit. He is a smart kid.
There is a lot more I could say about this place. Da da da da daaaaaa I'm lovin it!