A Nightmare, 30degs out side, Car battery went out one year after buying it. Then my battery Type had been discontinued, but before they told me this they sent me to another walmart saying it was in stock. after asked for my refund they wanted to give me a gift card. i didn't want a toaster i needed cash to buy a battery else where. Stupervisor, Ast. Manger, then Manager told me to beat it. After he walked away from me. i followed him letting my displeasure be heard to him and others around him about how walmart not honoring my warranty even though i did nothing wrong. After that he approved the refund for cash, and i got to work the next day.
How come walmart's never on the list of worst companies in the U.S, There qulity of Customer Service,& Meat, is poor at best. There lines are always LONGGGG, and there products are rarely stocked in the correct places. is .10 cents savings per dollar worth it.
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