| - Little disappointed with the recipe, we've ordered the Soy Poached Salmon on rice. It's a little too bland, needs some more sauce to spice things up. We found two green vegetable worms in the Bok Choy, was disgusted by that.
I talked to my friends about it but they said certain items are very good, but certain items aren't very good so I guess it comes down to selection.
We ordered the first delivery with promotion code, if you get it under regular price, it's not cheap, it's more of a convenience thing. We still have the buffalo-style steak for tonight, I hope it's going to be good. But one thing I noticed already is that the steak is in a sealed wrapped, the ones you normally find in the fridge section instead of the meat section, so I'm not sure how fresh the steak will be.
I might give it another try but if I'm having the same experience the next time, then it is done for me.
Just an update to the review after cooking the buffalo style steak, actually this time it is very good but the portion is a little too small for two people, they need to be more wise on the portion, maybe because that I'm Asian, I tend to eat more and this is just not enough.