This is a pretty nice Nordstrom Rack. It is smaller than most but is well stocked. The size 10 and up designer shoe section is especially good for us big footed gals. Usually the cute designer racks stop at a size 8 or 9 but here they had cute Tory Burch, Coach and Ferragamo shoes up to a size 12!
The line area to check out is more organized than other Rack locations and is located at the side of the store instead of right at the entrance / exit doors, making flow throughout the store much better.
The one thing I truly hate about this location is the entitled attitude of the customers. It's in Downtown Summerlin so I know the super snobs will be out in full force, but wow, I've shopped here three times and every single time I felt like I was stepping onto the set of 'Mean Girls II.' Come on, just because I'm wearing a t-shirt, jeans and Chucks doesn't mean you can or should look down your nose at me. I'm also carrying a $2,800 handbag, so stop being so crappy, people!
I am NOT a fan of snobs as you probably can tell.