I like Apple products, but am met with stares and gasps of disbelief when I tell people I prefer to use my Windows PC to my Macbook Pro. That's not to say that the Macbook Pro sucks, but I end up starting up the Windows Partition when I use it a lot of the time just so I can use some Windows only software so it's just much handier to use my PC. When they do end up adding some of my needed software onto the Apple OSX though I'm all aboard. That said I don't think I could live without my iPhone and iPad though.
Well when I have problems with any of my Apple products, I've found their support is top notch. I just set up an appointment on the apple store app at a convenient time and date for myself then voila I just walk past the queue the is sometimes present at the door and check in for my appointment on my phone, talk about handy! The employees are knowledgeable, eager to help you out as best as they can, though sometimes it can take a bit after checking in before they're able to meet with you and discuss the problems.
The store itself is the ubiquitous minimalistic design that is present in most Apple products, the products themselves are on display and in working order. You won't get harassed for loitering around the store playing with the demo products. In fact I've seen some students doing homework assignments on them, though I wouldn't recommend it since the store is rather noisy and crowded. Not exactly conducive to a study environment.
It's really handy to have this store so close by, I've heard of people driving like an hour here just to buy something. If you're buying something or needing tech support make sure to make an appointment or you'll be left waiting for 1-2 hours to get put with someone who will schedule an appointment for you!