It's a good titty show with a variety of themes to satisfy a variety of tastes from naughty, to "No, really this is art ". But what is totally stupid is the drinks and food. Ok I get it that they can't serve adult beverages. But can't they serve sophisticated non alcoholic beverages? Like virgin mojotos, virgin margaritas etc? Nope just regular Cokes and sprite etc. and horrid dealcoholized wine. And the snacks are totally middle school snack bar. I kid you not. They seriously offered Cheetos, Fritos, red vines, and skittles. You can't be serious! This venue ought to be able to serve up some tapas, sushi, small sandwiches or something ADULT. If I were a waitress there I'd quit! A really insulting menu to the patrons. What. So they expect only bar mizpah parties?