I go to this gym for 1 reason. Maria's Zumba classes. One strange thing about this gym that I noticed is that there is no protein bars or anything you can grab afterwards. They have food that's been prepared in the front but it's nothing that I would eat because I'm super picky. It's gotta be low fat, low cal, meat free, etc.. a protein bar would be good. But it's not my gym... If anything changes with Maria, I will follow...and close my membership. Although I heard they are opening several new ones in my area.
**** 7/30 ---THE ABSOLUTE WORST substitute Zumba instructor!!! I had to leave the class after it was an agonizing 20 minutes. Every inch of my day is planned out and when there's a sub it kind of sucks because I can't take another class somewhere else. So I went to this instructor and it was the same stamp the whole 20 minutes I had to leave there. If they're going to get an instructor to substitute please try and get one that's equal to or somewhat close to the wonder subbing for. You can't just throw in somebody that's this bad. As I'm Writing this, 2 others left the class early. --Like I said before I only joined the gym for Maria so if she won't be back I will be quitting.
Oct 8th. Omg! They got protein bars and protein cookies!!!