I can't really fault this place for anything. In fact I could feel like I should give it 3 stars but I have to give it 4 simply because I can't find anything paticularily wrong with the food.
The menu was pretty for tight, which is always a good sign. Service was good and food was executed well! Everything tasted quite good though nothing really blew me away, which I guess is quite typical of these all you can eat joints. Notice a trend here? I feel like have said "good" about 20 times...
So I guess what I am trying to express here is that this place is kind of average but a little better than average and it's definetly consistent. Even with a full house of people here they seemed to have no problem putting out the food at a "good" pace.The servers and kitchen, all carried a calm and relaxed demeanor , this place is definetly well managed from what I can tell.
So if you are wanting some japenese /Korean and you want as much as you can eat this place is certainly appropriate for you to try. It's a good place......