The citizens (legal or otherwise) of Phoenix are some of the biggest pervs in the world. World class freaks by any measure.
There are more nasty adult stores and dives with beasts writing on poles in this town than anywhere.
To illustrate, the first girl that I dated in town's parents told me a tale of the Salt River Admiralty Club where you had to do many sordid deeds to gain rank. That they had no qualms about telling some guy that their daughter brought home about this in a first meeting should tell you a lot about Phoenix.
That being said, when the guys from the office really need to see some boobies, this is where they should be taken.
$5 dances, a full bar, and a bunch of punk rock girls will show you a side of that dweeb from accounting that you didn't know he had.
This isn't high class, but who wants that? These are real girls. There is a reason that this place is situated right next to a trailer park, but don't let that weigh on your conscious too much. You're supporting single moms! Be proud!
This was the hands-down favorite of the married, kinda-married, and not married at all crowd that I found myself needing to entertain.
Sure you can borrow $40, friend! That's what I'm here for! (You can pay me back in the office tomorrow.)