They're not interested in Customer Service if they're not making money. Our account is $300+ a month. 6 lines. Insurance on all. Customers for a decade. Girlfriend brought in an iPhone to switch into. Just needed a Nano SIM and a IMEI change. They would not change the IMEI as she didn't have her ID on her. Makes sense, I guess. Although there is a passcode on the account and numerous other pieces of information they could have verified easily. Fine. "Why don't you just give us the Nano SIM and we'll call and activate." CAN'T DO THAT. The Filipino manager/associate said. Are you kidding me? I'm a Verizon customer myself, and they'd do that in a heartbeat for an account like mine. Hell, they'd do it for a single line account. You can't hand us an unactivated NanoSIM so we can get her on her new phone without multiple trips to your store?
That's not policy, that's being a dick because he makes no commission on the action. No commission = no help = AT&T.
Glad I'm with Verizon myself... I'll try and get my girlfriend's $300+ per month account switched over due to absence of customer service.