Never again. You could not pay me enough to ever live here again. We had a ridiculous amount of problems with this complex....and after talking to a few other people who live there, we aren't the only ones. The apartment was dirty when we moved in (supposed to be cleaned by their maid service).... we called the front desk and complained. The front desk asked if the maid service had permission to enter if we were not there, we said absolutely not! So they scheduled 11 am the next day. At 730 am the maid let herself into our home! Thats right folks she had a key! She didnt even knock. Just unlocked my door when I wasn't even dressed and walked right in! The back gate is broken ALL THE TIME. What exactly is the point of having a security gate if its open to the public anyways?? Ya....I dont get it either. The air conditioning in our apartment was terrible and anytime we ran it we would pay out the caboose for our power bill! O! And the gift card you are "supposed" to receive within a month of moving in????.... ($200 I believe)- After 60-90 days we called the manager and asked for it- they said we will get it to u whenever we get it. What a joke! I had to have my lawyer write up a letter for me to email to them to even get the gift card! You cannot pay your rent with a check or cash! You have to get an 8$ cashier check from your bank! say you want to pay online? Welp- that's going to cost you around a 25$ fee.
My registration on one of my cars expired- and the tow company for the apartment complex put a warning on my car that if I didnt get the registration fixed they were going to tow my car! Wtf....Are you kidding me? O and its less than a mile from the pig farm- yup the lovely smells of the local pig farm wafting into your apartment early in the morning is top notch
I have never had more problems with any place I have ever lived. Heres a tip: buy a box instead of moving here!