I don't think it is my imagination. Their policies seemed to have changed slightly. I am happy to report it "appears" things are a lot better here for our furry friends. Out of all the animals, they seem mostly 'taken'. Either adopted, or still in people waiting mode (still rated stray and awaiting their owner). I also saw several signs of "dog of the day, $36, take me home today". (Although, I always thought their adoption fees were hefty -dogs $60(older dog) -100 and $150 for purebred or toy dog! Or $50-150 for a cat!) and the 'pay now, come back tomorrow to take home' annoying.
There were a ton of pitt bulls (natch) that appeared to have a bright future, since many had 'adopted' on their cage. They were all friendly, tail-wagging, licky things. (must have been around 70).
For so little you get so much - so save a life. Since this is a kill shelter, these furry friends usually don't have a lot of time to sit and wait around for you to pick your life long comapion - they can bring so much joy & happiness to your life !