If your a first timer when it comes to getting waxed, no need to panic Sweet Virginia is a must!!! I never wanted to wax because it just seemed so uncomfortable, and un-sanitary. The thought of having a complete stranger waxing your temple is nerve wrecking!! I was lucky enough to win a gift certificate to Sweet Virginia, so I was like, what the hey why not give it a try. I made the apt, then considered canceling because I was nervous, then put my big girl pants on and said screw it I'm doing it! BEST DECISION EVER!! Sarah is ubber friendly and fun. She has such positive energy that it makes you feel like you've known her forever. She does a great job, talks you through the processes, keeps your mind off what little pain there is. Next thing you know your in and out in 15min. Her prices are great and her location is nice and private. I've now been a reoccurring customer of Sweet Virginia for the past eight month! Bring it on swimsuit season!!