| - This Goodwill is.. eww, not so good.
Parking is really bad. Always. Period. There is a tiny lot with plenty of cars.
Space between shelves is so narrow that two carts can't go side by side. Being a crowded place, it is very hard to move around. Public is regular Goodwill public, read - mean, not willing to move their cart away, not willing to step an inch to the side to let you take a look at what you want, etc. So either go early in the morning when they just opened or very late in the evening.
But even this would not have been the problem, if it wasn't for pricing. I have no idea who does their pricing, but they definitely have no idea what they do. A deck of cards goes no lower than $1. Em.. Really? Those heavily used cards, maybe some are not even there?..
Kids toys. Broken, dirty. No lower than $2-3, usually much higher. I saw some LeapPad shells without anything inside, just a plastic shell, priced for $5.
Books. Used and abused children's books. $1.99.
They sell trash but price it as if it was gold.
Seriously, I find better deals in Savers. Not to mention, Savers is MUCH cleaner, MUCH bigger and you can actually BREATHE there.
This particular Goodwill checkout is slow and exhausting. They have no room for people to stand in line.