| - Ah Menchies, a self-serve yoghurt bar with flavors galore and dizzying array of toppings, where you pay by the weight of the yoghurt in your cup and the weight gain under your belt is FREE.
Menchies is a hit for young and adults alike. From my people watching skills, honed over the years of odd stares and quick glances from the corner of my eyes, it seemed the adults enjoy pouring out the soft yoghurt more than the kiddies. Personal confession - even though my 2 year old poured out 5 different flavors of yoghurt in one cup, I found it secretly very satisfying to make neat compartmental swirls as the yoghurt poured out. Yes as you raise your eye-brows right about now - you are not limited in the number of flavors you pour in your medium sized cup. Chocolate next to Key Lime Sorbet & Island Banana atop Strawberry Cream with Snickers & mini marshmallow topping - turned out to be a very tasteful explosion of sweet and at time tart fireworks in my mouth. Of course it was a matter of spooning around, sometimes spooning through, and at times spooning about the flavors to enjoy this custom concotion.
If by now all the talk about spooning has gotten your mind swirling then my friend you are thinking of the yoghurt swirls of Menchies. First take your sweetie to Menchies, over-indulge on the sweet swirls of your personal creations, share spoonfuls and be sure to extend the spooning theme in intimate privacy of your cozy space.
Be aware the inside space if very small, despite the 4 small parlor tables inside and 2 more such tables by the doorstep outside, seating is extremely limited. I hope they can relocate to a larger indoor space - otherwise winter time visits to Menchies would lend itself to be very difficult. Oh and if you can't seem to find it in Westgate mall area, this place is two doors down from Starbucks.