Used to go here quite often. It was a great place to meet up and have a drink. And a bakery item I love the fact that it's got every thing you need rite there. Full menu of food that's made fresh . All the bakery items and food are made fresh rite there on the premisis. Also theirs the grocery store rite there with a good assortment of produce and any thing eles you might need. Many afternoons myself and a dear friend would get our coffee and some thing to eat and read British news papers.
We would spend some times 2 to 3 hours drinking coffee and reading the various London and UK news papers. We both enjoyed the English as it tends to be significantly different from American English. My friend was not able to read the papers on his own because he had retinitis pigmentosa. Which is a degenerative eye disease that he was born with. Luci's was a really nice place to sit and enjoy a good chat and drink. On many occasions other friends of ours would turn up and join us. And at times we would cross the street and go to Starbucks. If Luci's was packed with people. Luci'shas tables outside that are covered with awwnings or you can sit inside and if the weather is pleasant which it is from septemper to April they will have the sliding doors all open; so your seated inside but you have the light of day and fresh air. It's really nice. This place gets busy especially on the weekend. They have a great selection of house made drinks and a whole assortment of popular healthy beverages as well as snacks they also carry wine and champagne. Another thing I love about Luci's they are health directed I mean they sell and carry organic ( not exclusively) and brands geared towards good health and the other great thing is they have a full kitchen and bakery. They do not have to have the bakery items brought in from a big off site bakery. So if the run out of say a cinnamon roll or a muffin you happen to like; theirs a good chance that they have more just being freshly baked. Comfortable, welcoming atmosphere. Couples, singles small groups. It's a really nice place for everyone. They've got 2 Loos. No need to stay at home feeling lonely and blue. Head on out to Luci"s and have a healthy beverages and enjoy the company of lots of other folks.
It's nice that Phoenix has many places similar to Luci's. We need these type of cafes here in Portland/ Vancouver.