It warms my heart to see all the Trader Joe's locations receiving favorable reviews. This is the closet one to my home, so this is where I love to do most of my grocery shopping.
If I had to find fault in Trader Joe's, I would find it in the meat selection. For the vegetarians and vegans among us, this is obviously not an issue. I, however, find myself at the Safeway in the same strip-mall in search of ground turkey or salmon. Other than that, TJ's is my favorite place to find inexpensive, healthy groceries. The inner-anarchist activist in me loves that the store feels like a large co-op. My inner-capitalist pig loves that it is not. At any rate, I am a big fan of the store brand which means (from my perspective, at least) great, cheap food.
I'm also into some of the wines there that can be had for as little as three dollars a bottle. Good stuff!