Bartenders are not very friendly. You can tell other employees hang out there and that's who they talk to. They're short with other guests. They give the routine, "what can I get for you?" "Have a good night." and that's about it. If I were managing this place, I would get some more outgoing and friendly people behind my bar who are going to get more guests wanting to come back. I stopped in this place every night for about a week straight hoping it would get better or I would get a friendlier bartender. My car is being worked on and it is near the bus stop. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. Tonight was the last time I'll go here. The man was just rude. Several times I tried to start a conversation and he ignored me. I thought maybe he didn't hear me but after the third time, I gave up. There was one other person at the bar this time. Maybe there would be more if you had someone with a personality behind it. Next time, I'll be sure to just go upstairs where the bartenders are friendly, funny, outgoing and looking to talk to their guests and make them want to return. On a good note, they have great draft beers!