This review is solely based on who ever was in charge of vacuuming the cars on Thursday, July 30, 2015 (tall blonde guy with The Justin Bieber haircut). I had just gotten home from an 8 hour road trip with three of my dogs and on the same day I decided to get my car washed in this location and paid $50 for their service. Before I paid I told the gentleman that I would appreciate it if he were to vacuum my car thoroughly because of all the dog hairs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hard to please...I get that he wasn't going to be able to get every single inch of dog hair on my car but DAMN it looked like he didn't even try. There was literally dog hairs in the areas that were easily accessible! So there shouldn't be any excuse on why he didn't vacuum it! Suffice to say I will NEVER bring my business to them because for $50 I at least expect a damn good job.