| - I'm not breaking any new ground by reviewing Piestewa Peak. But for those of you out there who are new to the Phoenix area or are just visiting, well, maybe you haven't heard of Piestewa... My nickname for this hunk of metamorphic rock is "the StairMaster" because I primarily travel the summit trail, and well, it's a big giant natural StairMaster. Every step is is step up. Literally. Your buns will be burning by the time you get to the top. And your prize is the view from the top - a 360 degree uninterrupted view of the Valley. The best part? It's in our backyard. How great is that?! Name another major city the size of Phoenix where you can drive 10 minutes to a trail head... okay, there are probably a few... but that doesn't diminish my appreciation of the fact that I can be on the trail with such a minimal time investment.
For those of you who have hiked this route and are turned off by the crowds, I offer you an alternative. Hike at night. In the dark. Yep. You heard me. This is the way to do it. Not only are you guaranteed much more pleasant temperatures, you are also guaranteed a moment of solitude. It is quiet, lovely and largely untraveled during the darker hours. Wait. I didn't just say that. It's dangerous and stupid to hike at night. Don't do it. I'm warning you. Your run the risk of stepping on a rattlesnake, getting bitten by a rabid ringtail or walking of a dangerous precipice and breaking your neck. I hereby disclaim all liability (I had to throw that disclaimer in there, I'm a lawyer). That being said, I enjoy hiking at night. The city lights are spectacular. If you decide to live dangerously, make sure you bring a headlamp, some water, hiking poles, and a friend or two.