Most disgusting, rude, and lazy employees I have ever seen. We walk up to the shop and the employee is sitting down not even looking at us or getting up from the start. Then the dude is sucking on his finger, grabbing sunflower seed shells from his mouth, and throwing them in a cup. He is doing all this as we stand in front of the cash register looking at him. I had to ask him "do you work here?" To get his attention and he responds "yes i do" and proceeds to sit there. I have no idea what was wrong with this dude, so i had to ask him "can i get some icecream?" He finally stands up and i am just staring at his fingers with saliva all over his index and thumb thinking he is gonna put on some gloves or go wash his hands. Instead he grabs the scooper and scoops out the icecream with the hand that was in his mouth (not even the opposite hand).
I was mind blown by this man's idea of customer service and his ignorance for sanitation. I understand its vegas and u might not want to be there, but come on bro... if i were the manager i would check his staff and fire this fool. For the manager's reference, he as fat fingers (probably dirty), beard, chubby, and looks like he dgaf. I didnt even take the icecream after seeing what he was doing.