Okay, I am not a health food nut and I certainly am not anything close to vegetarian but I like this place. Not pigeonholing WF or anything but that is certainly the perceived crowd they market to.
So what do I like about the Whole Foods in Town Square? It's a great lunch spot. I can always find something I want. One of my favorites is Inari sushi, when I can find it, and if it's not made with brown rice. Fie upon you brown rice! It may be healthier for you but it sure tastes like sh*t to me. No flames please! Anyhoo, I digress. I adore their lentil soup. It's really hard to find good lentil soup that doesn't have ham hocks or strange veggies or curry in it. Their mac and cheese and the roast chicken on the hot bar is pretty smashing as well. I believe it was a Friday that I discovered the fried fish was pretty good. The chicken korma and pulao rice are passable as well.
As for shopping, if I want to cut corners making a protein for dinner I stop by the "smokehouse" and grab some beef brisket or pulled pork. This is one of the few places that I can get Tazo iced tea without patronizing SB. They also have Bubbies ice cream mochi. I love the Raspberry White Chocolate flavor. The cheese, I could write a diacritical essay about the cheese selection. At this very moment I am munching on a cheddar cheese bought at WFs that has a delightfully spicy cajun rub on it. Oh, this makes my bf happy - they usually have a good selection of Stone Brewery products in stock.