*H*O*R*R*I*B*L*E* BAR SERVICE -- 10/4 - was there with my sisters to watch the fish and have drinks. We had one round of drinks and then were completely ignored. The other customers around us were getting drinks. We couldn't catch the waitress' eye -- she would NOT EVEN LOOK OUR WAY! Finally, I waved both arms, but she walked past us until my other sister, yelled "HEY!". Waitress said she thought we had already cashed out. Hoo Boy! She needs more customer service training. We ordered, but a different person served us. We wondered if it was because we're Asian, that she couldn't serve us. We won't go there again. We were blatantly ignored. We spent $50 on drinks and left a 20% tip with "Service Sucked" on the receipt. Hope Chart House trains their wait staff to be more gracious and attentive.