Groupon users beware! A friend and I went to try Fuego Tacos on Saturday night, each of us holding a $10-for-$3 Groupon. Given that the Groupon (legitimately) included the one-Groupon-per-table restriction, we opted to sit at the bar to allow us to each use our Groupon. Both the bartender and manager refused to honor the Groupons, on the basis that we "walked in together" and that the "boss" would be very upset if they honored both.
We opted to go elsewhere on principle. The printed terms clearly stated that Groupons were to be limited to 1 per table, not 1 per "party" or "people walking in together." I do not believe this interpretation is unreasonable or overly legalistic. The Groupon would have covered less than half of our respective bills, after drinks and dessert. A pity, to have to post a star rating on the basis of policy rather than food quality...