| - What a nightmare. I chose Executive Las Vegas because the hotel I stayed at (MGM Grand) recommended them. Their fares are super cheap ($6), and while I had no qualms with the ride from the airport to MGM, the return trip was abysmal. I called a day in advance to arrange my pick-up. I had a 6:50 am flight, and the lady making my reservation said I should take a 4 am shuttle. I thought that was a completely unnecessary amount of time (considering the airport is literally 4 minutes from MGM) and she reminded me that as a shared ride, we'd be picking up other passengers. She said total time should not exceed 45 minutes, so doing some quick math I conceded and said I'd take the 4:30 am shuttle.
At 4:25 am on a Monday, I began my wait outside the MGM. While I was not the only person waiting for a shuttle, I was the only person waiting for Executive. I saw person after person getting picked up - ON TIME - by their shuttle services. At 4:45 - now 15 minutes after my arranged pick-up time, I called Executive to see what was up. The gal dispatcher I spoke with (Amber?) notified me that they were running late and would be no more than 10 minutes away. I said ok, and continued to wait. More fellow MGM guests got in their shuttles and drove away.
Time passed, and at 5:01 (now 30+ min late), I called back. Amber told me that, whoops, the van broke down (!??!?!) and they had to send a replacement. I was really feeling discouraged at this time because Executive HAD my cell # (needed it when the reservation was made) and I thought the decent thing they could do is call me and notify me themselves. She assured me that a new van would be there in 5 minutes and would take me and me only directly to the airport. She even told me the van would not be one of their usual ones - with checkerboard and a pin-up gal picture on the front - so that is what I started looking for. Time passed.....and finally, at 5:20 - fifty minutes after my confirmed reservation time - an Executive van showed up (not the "different" one described by the dispatcher however). When I approached the driver, I told him how long I had been waiting and said I was assured there would be no further stops. He got uppity with me and proclaimed he had only just started his shift so nothing was his fault. Sigh.
I did get to the airport on time, but if I ever have to be in Las Vegas again (hopefully not), I think I'll opt for a taxi.