| - I've been there a hand full of times and bought my first gun from them , my sales man was great but as a lot of other people say some of the other staff are complete jerks . I made the mistake of asking "Ryan" if I could provide my own ammo when renting their guns and he actually looked like he got offended and replied "you aren't using your ammo on my guns" , like seriously man, a simple no would have been fine . After that my experience that day sucked, my wife and her novice friend were aiming too high and he came to tell them "hey your shooting my ceiling" , again a simple please aim lower and maybe some tips would have been better but whatever , il make the trip to the other location next time , not interested in using "Ryan's" range anymore. This wasn't the first time I've felt like the guys there give attitude to people who aren't exactly regular shooters . When a customer is wrong they should not have to be disrespected or given attitude. The Staff should not assume everyone walking through their doors are professionals or if they see something that they are doing wrong , do your job and help them. Don't make a smart ass comment and walk away. The issue here wasn't Ryan not letting me use my winchesters, which I use in my personal gun , and rented a gun of the same caliber for my wife , so I taught id atleast ask , the issue was his crappy attitude , that made me feel disrespected.