May be the most beautiful hike in the region. It has many hot springs. The Venus Cave is a hot spring with an outside portion and an inside cave where you have to swim four or five feet underwater to get to. It got hit by a flood this summer and filled in with gravel but someone is currently digging it out. There is a very hot mud spring where you can get covered in mud and then take a hot waterfall shower about 20 feet away in a small pool or walk to the nearby Colorado River and jump in to get cleaned off. If the river is low enough, you can walk up it to your left to get a view of Hoover Dam. Along the way are some caves including the Sauna Cave, which, I assume, was dug by the people who created Hoover Dam. It goes 150 feet into the cliff and is filled with hot spring water. It is humid and gets dark as you go in so bring waterproof flashlight to explore it. It has a great view and makes for great pictures from inside the cave.
Many people go nude in the hot springs and the river. Occasionally, you'll pass nude hikers.
This hike is not for dogs or kids. I've heard dogs howling in fear as they were being carried down some of the steep rope areas. It is cruel. There are too many places where you can get seriously injured if you are not very careful and kids are notorious for doing stupid things. In the past year, I've seen one kid with a broken arm and another with a very bloody damaged knee.