So I was recommended to this place by my OBGYN.. I gave them a call an set an appointment for a Monday. As I step in and try to check in with one of the receptionists, I notice that the place is packed with people waiting.. uh oh.
As I tell the receptionist that my appointment is 2:45, she looks over in her records and asked if I was sure I made an appointment. I said yeah... she looks some more, then she asks who if I made the appointment with them and not someone else.. I said yes, I made it with SimonMed. She then asks to get my ID and Insurance card and has me fill out some paperwork. As I give her back the filled paperwork, she tells me to sit and wait to be called. Ok, I think, this should be fine.
NO. 45 minutes waiting into it, I ask another receptionist how much longer it will be. She then looks on the computer and says, "Well your appointment is at 4:00 and it's 3:30". Are you kidding me?? I've waited for almost an hour and they were thinking I would just wait till 4 without realizing they made a mistake?! She looked embarassed and said she'd get me in as soon as possible. The receptionist who I first spoke with looks down and away from me..
Now I don't mind if you make a mistake and schedule me for the wrong time, but to make me wait so you don't have to tell me that you screwed up is not a mistake. Get your scheduling together people. Now it's making me doubt whether or not there are professionals here that are competent enough to obtain inaccurate results from my X-rays.