Caveat Emptor re Dr Fountis' diet.
Yes, you do lose weight. Very quickly. However, consider ALL of the costs before you commit to doing this.
1 - The focus of her program is weight loss, not FAT loss. After I lost 60 pounds in 4 months, I found that I also lost a lot of muscle. This is a starvation diet. You actually wind up eating 700 to 800 calories a day.
2 - Another cost was hair loss, for which Dr Fountis would not treat me. She said there was no proof that my hair loss was caused by the diet but she did say to use a certain shampoo. Actually, what I found on my own was that my body was ridiculously low on a certain element because of the strict eating plan.
3 - The financial cost is very high.
4 - Weight lost quickly does not stay off on its own. Keeping it off is and always will be the result of your effort.