| - Joe Yee's might as well change their name to "I Can't believe it's not Meat or Fish" but then again, that would not roll off the tongue very nicely, would it?
Joe Yee's is located in an unassuming lil' strip mall all the way out in RH Land, but don't let this put you off, it's totally worth that (sometimes agonizing) wait on the DVP northbound.
Normally I actually despise sushi, well raw fish to be exact but at Joe Yee's I can eat EVERYTHING woo-hoo :) The presentation and execution of the sushi platters is flawless and beautiful, I couldn't believe my eyes! Even hubby who loooves sushi was super impressed with the silky texture of the "faux-shimi!!!" P.s. the "deep fried" sushi rolls were pretty off the chain too!
If one thing impressed me the most it had to be the mock bbq pork. Everyone knows I gave up pork because, well, I just can't bring myself to eat pig anymore
but WOW, that mock pork was pretty good, it has a gristly texture, smokey flavour and even a crispy "skin"!! How the heck did they do that!!!
The surroundings at Joe Yee's is serene and the music was a little bland if not completely dull but I didn't think asking the proprieters to play Wu-Tang Clan would have elicited a positve response, so I let it go.
I think, price-wise you'll get the best bang for your buck dining here as a group, that way you get a good sampling of dishes. For us it cost 20 bucks including tip between 11 peeps for about 9 entrees...I'd say that's pretty effing good!
Big shout-out to my Yelp homies Jen K and Wayne C for rounding up a veg curious posse and introducing our tastebuds to some incredible vegetarian food!!!