We brought our 5 month old Corgi to this place. he had consumed several pieces of sugarfree gum sweetened with Xylitol.This is a fatal dose. The dingbat at the front counter refused to even get the vet until we called animal control (Xylitol is not a poison in general). Time was CRUCIAL and she wanted to play games.I demanded a doctor and refused to play the game.She (after rolling her eyes and guffing at me) got the doctor (St.Johns).I explained quickly what he ate, the time duration and was OK to induce vomiting.The woman up front had no idea what Xylitol even was.She is not qualified to be in this place.The assistant come out and tells me he is CRITICAL that his glucose level is down to 65 and it's normally 185.The REAL correct amount is 70-120, so he is at 65 and the Xylitol has barely started Hypoglycemia.She presents us with a estimate of $866.They want to keep him for TEN HOURS.We get conflicting answers from the assistant as well as the doctor herself (I question them apart from each other).These people are LIARS/CHEATS/THIEVES.I tell her she will monitor him evey 60 minutes and report back to me 20 minutes after each sample.1 hour later his count is now 75, another hour it's 85...because we got him in there QUICKLY we dodged a major bullet.We yanked him out of there by 4:00PM.I watched him all night myself.At 8:00AM we called his regular vet and by 9:30AM he was in there, got a complete blood workup.The test show he is PERFECTLY NORMAL! The use of induced vomiting worked.Had we played the game he would have suffered possible damage/death and cost us close to $900.The final bill was under $300.Doctor St.John is GOOD..but this place is set up to screw you and do it good in your time of need.I strongly suggest you NOW print out a list of other places to take your beloved family pet and not wait until minutes count to have this or worse happen to you.There is zero compassion at this place, the receptionist has not a clue how to handle emergencies.I am not a "Vet" but I also am not stupid.This is my OPINION, it is accurate and honest.