| - I have been going to this particular Drug Mart since it opened a long time ago (Yeah, I'm old). In recent years they have made a number of improvements to this particular store, which previously felt like shopping in a ghetto with all the cosmetics behind locked glass so I would have to ask a clerk to open it up with a key if I wanted, say, a nail scissors. They've done away with that in favor of just having security guards in uniform standing around ready to pounce on shoplifters, so shopping here is now much easier.
It's not the most organized store in the world - be prepared to hunt around for what you want, especially a seasonal item, and maybe have to ask for price checks when they have a whole bin of stuff not clearly marked as to what's on sale. But if you're willing to go through that, you can get some good bargains. I almost always buy more items than I came in for because I'll see something I can use, like a T-shirt or bra, marked down to a few dollars. The grocery section sometimes doesn't have the freshest stuff (rock hard sugar that's probably been there for months) or the best prices, but it's the nearest and best thing to a convenience store in this neighborhood since many of the old time convenience stores in Lakewood (Lawsons, Convenient Food Mart, etc. ) have now been converted into booze and cigarette outlets. I do a lot of shopping for my senior citizen parent and Lakewood Drug Mart also has the best selection of home health care type stuff that seniors need (note, this is not true of all Drug Marts, I'm just speaking of the Lakewood one). The selection at Drug Mart really beats the pants off the CVS across the street, so I only find myself going to that CVS when I need something specific like their 2 for 1 sales on vitamins - otherwise it's Drug Mart all the way.
Reasonably friendly staff, multiple checkout lines, and lots of free parking in back of the store as well. Oh and by the way - they've changed the shopping carts so you can take those out to the parking lot now.