I was recently in Vegas with a few friends and we decided to go to 1 Oak nightclub, which some of us had visited before and had a good time at. Our friends were staying at the Mirage so they went down early (8:30 PM) and got in line because it was a large group of males and they were told cover would continue to rise as the night went on.
After they had been in line an hour and half my girlfriend and I met them. They were still not in the club, but about 30th in line. The whole group was dressed and ready to go out. The girls had little black dresses on, hair done, make-up done, looking good! The boys were all clean looking and dressed nicely as well.
Just as we are about to go in one of the workers informed me that everyone has to be in heels to come in. I was not. A week prior to coming to Vegas I broke several toes and part of my foot. There was no way I could wear heels and my doctor informed me to only wear a boot. Not thinking the boot was Vegas material I left it at home in order to look good going out. On top of going in the girls would also have to pay $30 cover. I go to Vegas about 5 times a year, every year and have NEVER paid a cover.
I was informed that because of my sandals I would not be able to be let in the club. This is so ridiculous! Girls in front of us inline were in K-Mart leggings and Old Navy tank tops and hadn't showered in days, but because they put heels on they were OK to go in. I physically cannot wear heels! I have a friend who can never wear heels because she had back surgery when she was little. This is complete discrimination!
Keep in mind I had expensive, nice, strappy sandals, that were not flip-flops! They had a back strap and diamonds on them. What do you define as a heel? Is there a certain height it must be? My sandals have about a 1 cm heel to be honest. My friends had wasted close to two hours trying to get into the club and we could no longer go in.
I can also guarantee that I will never return or recommend this club again.