| - What a complete waste of my time, literally. I had to actually redownload this app and after 8 hours of cooldown I figured out my password to waste more time to post my experience. I actually feel 1 star is too much.
I looked up Retrofoam of Arizona/ KASI foam which changed its company name, now I think I know why. Their website is very impressive, has a lot of info and helpful videos that is helping educate me as I will now continue to use it to shop elsewhere. It also encouraged me to look at the reviews to now justify that I do not have time to perfect their customer service behaviors or check their work, clean up after them or possibly deal with damage the expamding foam may cause.
My experience started as they advertize on the radio station that I listen to. We had an energy audit through SRP and liked that they were on the approved contractor list for the SRP upgrade rebates. Our initial thought was if we were going through the expense, why not use the best material, insulate the hvac pipes, seal any small air gaps etc. I called 3 companies, Kasi being one. The front end staff did good upfront as we called over a weekend and followed up the coming business week. I set an appointment, they told me the estimator "Steven/Stephen" would be out, Kelsey the office staff member even followed up the day before and verified the appointment date, time and who would be out- Steven/Stephen. I let her know it was important and we were planning around it, since she called me they have my phone number. The only appointment was set at 2pm. This was smack dab in the middle of the day where we could not plan anything else so essentially it was the only thing we could plan, on Labor Day Weekends' Saturday. 2 pm came and went, 2:30 PM arrived and I called by which I got the answering service amd she was going to call/message my estimator/tech and he was to call me back. I was patient assuming a +/-15 minutes for the original time of the appointment and after the call another 30 minutes (3pm) before I called the answering service for a second time. She was surprised to hear I have not spoken to him, explained she was an after hours answering service and at that point I told her to forget it. People miss appointment times, I get it. But, at least call your next appointment and let them know you are running behind. It shows an ounce of value for their time and by what I have been shown so far, they feel my time and experience is not valuable at all. I could have had a more productive day. I salvaged what remained from my Saturday and still to date have not heard from the valued estimator Steven/Stephen whom is the face of the company in a clients eyes. I am a commisssioned salesman and assume he is as well. As salesman you have to deliver a superior product to the client they can't get elsewhere- (you), especially when there are plenty of other outfits offering the same types of services. Maybe Kelsey, in the front office should look at being a salesperson, since she is the only one thus far who has shown organization and deliveredon what appears her job to be. They can change jobs and it will also help the company find Steven/Stephen whenever they are looking for him.
Regarding Yelp, all the low reviews have dealt with clients feeling they were overcharged, jobs left a mess, not thorough, claims of a possible insulation the cures all home ailments, there may be some truth in the bad reviews.
Perhaps it is the employees, management or company culture. Whatever it is, I don't think I want my money supporting it. I called another company and got a rough estimate verbally as I rushed around salvaging the remainder of my day. I'm going to just verify the square footage I gave him on the phone and compare that against the third option we have to compare so we can get to the next phase. I actually think I may have saved thousands by shopping around instead of entering into an agreement today. I read other reviews and received some great websites to find reputable contractors.
Hopefully, Retrofoam/Kasi gets the staff vested to deliver for their future clients because with this example they are supplying valuable clients for their competition.
Please excuse the length and any typos, I'm typing with my thumbs and some are created by autocorrect.