I started taking my son here last May because we discovered that he couldn't hear us due to frequent ear infections. I was able to quickly schedule an appointment and they did surgery for tubes in July. I appreciate that. I do not appreciate that Dr. Palacios seems to be in an extraordinary hurry. He rushes through each appointment and I wasn't able to ask him all of my questions at our first meeting. At my son's follow up visit after surgery I was able to get the doctor to stand still a moment and asked him about my son's tongue tie and his adenoids to which he responded I should have asked him the last time. He said to bring it up again at the six month follow up visit.
Well that was scheduled for today Feb. 8. When I got there this morning the receptionist informed me we didn't have an appointment. She said that her supervisor had called on Jan 13 and couldn't leave a message to cancel. One- I have my phone on me basically at all times and can absolutely see that no one called, and two- I know for a fact I can get voicemail. They have called me before with no problem, not to mention they also have my email address. There is no reason these people couldn't have reached me at ANY point in the last month. If I miss a scheduled appointment they will send me a bill for $25 but all they did for us was offer to try and get him into an NP. No thank you. We'll find a new ENT.