I'm not business owner or hold any business licenses, but being affiliated with a non-profit organization is good enough for them to sell to me. I found that other wholesalers were more strict and require you to present paperwork, before purchasing from them.
Either way, I just wanted to have a few homemade arrangements for my grandma's funeral service. I find it more personable, if I select the flowers of my choice and just envision or even get ideas off pinterest to create what I want. It's just my thing and I'm no professional florist by any means.
The people who helped me were super nice, helpful and provided me with a checklist of all the prices for the flowers. You better know your flowers, because some of them are not marked down, so then you'll have to grab some help. I would suggest you do a little homework on google to see the flowers and know their names.
All the flowers are shipped from California, so I'm not used to the pricing, but it was considered fair. I was able to spend about $85 and created a few arrangements. I also made an arragement full with blue iris that is not shown, but please check out the pictures =)