This hotel should be renamed: HO CENTRAL. Oh my god, its like a prostitute hotel. Everyone is dressed up half naked and it definetly caters to a young crowd. To each his own I guess. Not my taste, but I booked the room because it was buy 1 get 1 free. Can't pass up a deal like that. I like the word: F R E E..don't you? Well, the hotel for the most is very clean and very young looking. Not much of anything else unless your looking to get laid. I can't say that for everyone woman there, but at night let the Ho's come out. Some celebrities showed up with there entourages and that was that. Its just to far from the strip. Don't be fooled by the maps online that you see for vegas. Its at the end, around the corner and down the street. Only hotels in walking distance if you can brave the 106 Degree heat that I had to endure was the: The Gold Coast & The Rio. The rooms here were very nice and we had a great view of the pool. They are building more buildings with condo's for those that can afford it. This is not a hotel for Families or even the elderly. HO CENTRAL LAS VEGAS! Not trying to give us woman a bad name, but at this hotel: I CALL LIKE I SEE IT.