We had a server named Patrick today and all I can say is that we could not appreciate him more. From working in the industry we know that we should not have walked in so late, but we did as we were all starving for some pasta because of a long day out. We figured we would get closing time service but we did not. I think every server should model their service after this man and the fact that he was so gracious is an inspiration to what humans should act towards each other like.
There is not a kind enough thing to say in the world about Patrick and I just hope that I get to be served by him again. And of course, the food was consistently good as always, as it had been for the past 10 years we have been going here, no doubt because Patrick was paying close attention to everything that was coming out of the kitchen.
Thanks again Patrick if you're reading this, what a inspiration you have been. This is somewhat a review of the location he works at, but honestly a review of the server you should ask for.