It may be possible that the great reviews for this chicken was because the reviewers got to experience a fresh fried batch. I however did not. You would think if the pan was piled high, you would be getting something good plus the fact of being told it was freshly fried. I bought a chicken breast on the advice of Yelp and all the great reviews. $3.69 was a bit pricey I thought for just breast but I purchased and got back on the road. My chicken had to have been leftover from lunch, sitting for 4 hours at least. It was dry, hard around all edges and a waste of money. Please be warned; if it didn't come out of the fryer within the past hour, don't buy it. The rest of the food line was practically empty so there was nothing to purchase as a meal. The potato wedges definitely looked dried out. I am sorry I did not get to experience what others did.