| - For my birthday my wife took me to Vegas for the NASCAR race and some partying. ALMOST everything was amazing with the big exception of Party Tours Las Vegas. And away we go...
So my wife bought this VIP nightclub/party bus tour in Groupon and I knew nothing about it at all. First off I am not a huge nightclub fan but after getting there and finding out what we were doing I was open to the fun night. Now, I am not a conspiracy theorist but in this case I think we got the shaft.
We start at Beatles Revolutions bar and the host and owner was very nice and accommodating. I forewarned them I was an avid yelper and will do this review if it was good or bad. He told me not to worry. So we have a couple cocktails and form there take a walk to the next bar. Wait, I thought it was a party bus? Whatever, that did not bother me.
We arrive at the next nightclub and stood in the VIP line to get in. Now, from what I understood is that this "experience" we did not have to wait in lines but we did and that did not bother me too much. On the other hand it did bother my wife. Well, when it came time to go in I was let right in and all of a sudden my wife was not let into the club for being "too drunk." What? Ok, I know my wife and I know when she is too drunk and she was NOT too drunk at all. I left the club and went to hang out with her at another bar in the hotel to meet up with the group later.
Now, during this time the organizers of Party Tours were accommodating. They assured us this was nothing and kept in touch with me via text and also with phone calls. After the hour at that club we met up with the group and got into the bus for the next club. The bus was fun and a good time but what party bus is not?
So we get to the next club (and wait in a 15 minute line AGAIN) and my wife is let in right away. Uh oh....but now I am not let in due to being... Yep, "too drunk." WTF? So she was too drunk before and is not now and I was fine before and too drunk now? Come on, really?
I told her to go ahead and have a good time, I was just going to sit it out but my wife did not. Like the better half she is she left the club and hung out with me. Now, here is where the night turned VERY south for me. While trying to get a hold of the organizers they would not answer a call, a text, or nothing. It seems as if they could care less about either one of us. So much for being a VIP. After some discussion and waiting for those "taking care of us" as they had been promising since the beginning of the night we decided to go do our own thing and we had a much better time.
Now I told them I would yelp about this and here it is. But after some thinking I finally came to the conclusion that in "Sin City" this is one of those companies that are not operating honestly. Ready for this?
We bought the $175 Rockstar tour on Groupon for $40. After days of trying to reach these people to book the trip they told my wife it was full but we can go on the $99 VIP/ A-List tour. Ok....just got demoted there. Now I have worked with Groupon before and I know that companies that use it make very little to no money off Groupon. Groupon exists for companies to get clients in the door, hopefully make them repeat clients, and also give the customer a good deal. We, not being Vegas regulars are not "repeat clients" thus the chance of them making a profit off us in the future was slim to none. I think they had every intention of making our night less than stellar so we leave and they are not losing money on us. If we are not on the bus or entering the nightclubs they save on the cost of booze on the bus and also our cover charge at the clubs thus not losing money with the Groupon. I could go into so much more details but I think you get the point.
Honestly, of my entire 3 days in Las Vegas I had an amazing time with everything EXCEPT this tour. I think they are shady and very unprofessional. That promise of "taking care of us" and promising us "a good time" was nothing more than a lie.
Stay away from these guys and if the owner looks at is your review as I promised!