My wife ordered a pizza from Napali at 5:30 in the evening at around 630 we called to inquire where the pizza was. Getting a very rude response from the manager they took our order once again as if we never placed the order. We were delivered a pizza 30 minutes later. My wife had ordered a large half pepperoni, what we received was a large whole pepperoni that someone decided it was OK to pick half the pepperoni off one side and throw it on the other side. This is a cardinal sin in food preparation you do not touch someone's food after it's been out of the oven. We proceeded to call the manager, after he was so unfriendly the first time I didn't expect a whole lot of customer service but I did not expect the nastiness and the combativeness. He requested I take a picture of the pizza and send it to them to verify my claim, thank goodness he asked me to do that so I can post these pictures now. I was told the manager would be in touch with me tomorrow and that they would send me a pizza to replace the mistake. I did not feel comfortable and consuming any food products from a place that thought it was acceptable to pick their fingers through my food before delivering it to me,I declined. I then proceeded to return to the store to receive a refund which I was not offered. I returned the pizza to the person that I spoke to on the phone he went to the back and after waiting an inordinate amount of time, I began to question what is going on.I had to actually raise my voice and demand my money back before somebody came out and tried to give me five dollars less than I paid for the pizza as you can imagine I will never set foot in Napoli Pizza anywhere in this town.