A waste of my fucking time and gas. I've been a loyal customer and i never have problems until now. All I was trying to do was exchange a product and yet they were tried to charge me a restocking fee after customer service told me I should not have to pay for it because I did not open it. Waited for an hour and half to go back up there to talk to the manager because he wasn't present when I went there the first time. Went up there spoke to him briefly, he told me it would be waived and I had to wait in line. Now, it's my turn and the guy told me I still had to pay for it. Wtf! I just spoke to the manager, looked around he was gone!! Now I'm furious I wasted my time and my gas! And now I have to go back up there once again, because I refuse to pay $45 for then to restock a watch and I've been tryin to exchange this watch for two days now! Wtf!!